This is a basic guide on how to properly treat hives. First, know what caused your hives outbreak. Avoid exposure to the cause of the outbreak of hives when he was found. A close mild hives often disappears by itself within a few hours. More a case of hives should be dose recommended by the manufacturer of an over-the-take oral antihistamines. When viewing the hives do not disappear in a few days, a doctor. Questions have seen your doctor about giving a recipe for a team of emergency response, a pencil, adrenaline epidemiology. It is used in the treatment of severe acute urticaria.
For the treatment of redness, itching and swelling is, the doctor may prescribe antihistamines. Sample Tagamet, Seldane, Benadryl, Atarax and are antihistamines offer relief from symptoms of hives to make. In severe cases of hives, the physician will have an injection of corticosteroids. However, injections of adrenaline in situations of danger are used for life.
Oral medications if the severity of hives. Ask your doctor if you take acidophilus to their hives. Another way to reduce swelling, quercetin. Taking supplements of vitamin C or vitamin-rich foods each day will strengthen your immune system. All drugs used to treat an allergic reaction can also be used to treat hives.
Home Remedies
A relaxing bath is one of the most effective and easily applicable treatment of hives. Mix five tablespoons or 47 grams of oatmeal and three tablespoons or 23 g of maize flour in the bathroom. A bath of oatmeal is one way of hives Nice especially when large areas of the body is affected relief. However, this may take several days to take a bath in oatmeal to see its curative effect. Cornstarch is not only relaxing but also has properties similar to antibiotics.
For relief, try the hives affected area with an ice pack or cold compresses cool.
Try aloe vera gel too. Aloe vera gel is good for the hives and sunburn. Apply the gel twice a day. Apply a generous amount of sleep before the night.
You can also remedies herbal to treat an allergic reaction. Try it with nettle, ginseng, echinacea, licorice, or cow.
Call your doctor if:
... burning or itching spots begin to appear in the throat. They could be in danger of suffocation.
... You have a severe reaction called anaphylaxis. This is where the poles and is accompanied by one of the following symptoms, cold sweats, dry throat, cough, dizziness, nausea, difficulty breathing, or a sharp drop in blood pressure.
... his hives come and go in a month or more. You may have a health problem underlying.
... The signs of angioedema (swelling of these is comparable to the sticks, but the swelling occurs in the skin and not) on the surface. Consult a doctor immediately before it spreads especially if angioedema in the head or neck.
... You can have hives after receiving a blood transfusion. You can have allergic reactions to donor blood.
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